Sometimes we walk across the street to the pool.
Sometimes it's way to hot and humid that we don't even leave the house. So we had a pudding painting party! She doesn't like having stuff on her hands so I shoved her hand in the pudding to show her how to paint with her fingers but she just ate it instead.
We only have a week and half left here until we go back to Arizona to wait around until this baby comes. Time has been flying by, I can't believe this baby boy will be here in 4 weeks! Just a little documentation of this pregnancy compared to pregnancy with Kennedy. I am 35 weeks, I have had no swelling what so ever this time, so my wedding ring still fits like a charm! With Kennedy, I started swelling around 25 weeks and at about 28 weeks my wedding ring was like trying to fit a cheerio around my tootsie roll finger... This baby boy moves like crazy. He kicks and stretches all day. Kennedy barley moved inside me, she mostly just chilled and every once and a while would move to let me know she was still alive... I can't get enough ice water with this pregnancy. With Kennedy, I couldn't get enough chocolate... most likely the cause of the swelling and 55 lbs weight gain :) Being pregnant is so awesome, I love it!
So far, Nate is loving school. He is working on cadavers doing lots of dissections, and comes home smelling pretty gross. By the time I come back to Philly with the new baby boy, he will be done with this part of the program so we won't have to deal with the formaldehyde smell for much longer! I am so proud of Nate for working so hard to get into PA school. I am so grateful to have a husband that is motivated to have a good career. We are so excited we are finally at this stage in life!
When you get here, we wanna take youand Kennedy to dinner! We miss you guys! That is insane you are almost done with this pregnancy, it seems like yesterday you guys told us! We love you guys and Mike wishes he was with Nate in PA school constantly! See you soon!!