July 18, 2011

1st Day of School and The Grand Tour

Today was Nate's first day of PA school! It's so exciting for him to finally be starting what we've been waiting for, for the past 2 years!

And here is the grand tour of our new apartment!

Our bedroom. Complete with our new $30 bed from Goodwill.
Kennedy's room.
Her big girl bed that she has yet to fall out of.
Kennedy's play nook.
The family room
Kitchen / Laundry room
Dining area

And just because she's so darn cute, Kennedy with her diaper bonnet.


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! We miss you guys so much and cant wait to come visit. You did awesome with the house, it is adorable! Plus, my favorite part is the kitchen/laundry room :) haha. That kitchen is gigantic compared to the last one. We love you guys and cant wait to see you in August! P.S. FACETIME PLEASE!

  2. Awwwww Steph! I love it! And I LOOOOOVE your new blog look! Kennedy is so gorgeous and I feel like she's grown up so fast since the last time I saw her! I really hope we can see you while you're there! Hopefully once Kenzley gets a little older! I miss you sooooooo much! Can't wait to talk to you soon!

  3. It looks so nice there Steph! I'm excited for your little family. Hopefully we can come visit you guys after baby boy comes!
