April 20, 2010

5 Months

Here's the latest with our fammmmmmily... Kennedy is now 5 months old. Nate is 24 and I'm still 23.

Kennedy loves her play dates with Lilly and Titan.

This is her post-nap stretch...
looks very satisfying huh?
For Easter we watched conference and had dinner with Nate's sister Amy and her hubbs Chase. We were very uncelebrative because we were lazy. But this is our Easter baby.

We also went to the Easter pageant on the windiest day of the year... so naturally we bundled Kens up in her Russian hat.
Kennedy also likes to take naps in hampers.
For another play date we went to freestone park with Emily and Titan.... Our days are so hard, trying to figure out what to do with all our time...
Also, I don't know if you already knew, but Kennedy has a sweet Mohawk.
And here we are today... Kennedy is now sleeping 12 whole hours at night, and we've dropped some feedings... she is the happiest baby and is so giggly and talkative. She has also just discovered her tongue... she LOVES sticking it out and blowing bubbles.
I have the cutest daughter EVER! I can't get enough of her. She is so much fun to spend everyday with!


  1. Steph I just love her!! It was so fun to see her the other day...even if it was for a second. Hopefully we can come back to visit soooon

  2. She is so beautiful. I love the picture at the end where her hand is holding your face. You two look like you have so much fun together.
